Rapsody - Inter house English Rap Competition (1. 11. 17 )

Rapping (or rhymingspitting, emceeing, MCing) is a musical form of vocal delivery that incorporates "rhyme, rhythmic speech, and street vernacular", which is performed or chanted in a variety of ways, usually over a backbeat or musical accompaniment. The components of rap include "content" (what is being said), "flow" and "delivery"

Nearly everyone enjoys music, whether by listening to it, singing, or playing an instrument. Now a days RAP is a very popular genre in music, especially children. 

Some of the benefits of RAP for children are;- 

  • Helps develop language and reasoning.
  • A mastery of memorization.
  • Increased coordination.
  • Kids stay engaged in school.
  • Students learn pattern recognition.
  • Development in creative thinking.
  •  Better self-confidence.
  • Preparation for the creative economy.
Keeping all the above benefits in mind, an English RAP competition was held in class 3 (PRIMUS)
All the students participated enthusiastically in this competition and enthralled the judge with their RAPs on varied topics like Friends, Myself, Flowers, Pollution and Family.

CONGRATULATIONS to all the participants and winners! 


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