Happy Earth Day

Earth Day is a day that was created to promote awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment and occurs each year on April 22nd. The first Earth Day was in 1970 and was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wisconsin) as an environmental teach-in for school children. Keep reading for more Earth Day facts or download the bumper 25 pageworksheet pack including over 15 activities to use at home or in school.
  • Earth Day is a day that was created to promote awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment.
  • The first Earth Day occurred in 1970.
  • Earth Day occurs on April 22.
  • It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wisconsin) as an environmental teach-in for school children. He wrote letters to all of the colleges and put a special article in Scholastic Magazine to tell them about the special day he had planned.
  • Over 175 countries throughout the world celebrate Earth Day.
  • Earth Day is the largest, most celebrated environmental event worldwide.
  • The passage of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act are considered to be products associated with the 1970 Earth Day.
Earth Day Facts & Worksheets
  • There is no governmental agency that is in charge of Earth Day, but many local and non-profit groups throughout the world help to organize events and activities.
  • Most schools have activities planned for Earth Day to help children realize how important it is to take care of the environment.
  • Many organizations celebrate Earth Day by picking up trash on the road side, cleaning up vacant lots, cleaning the banks of lakes and rivers, and making sure that beaches and parks are free from litter and debris.
  • The theme for Earth Day 2017 is Environmental and Climate Literacy’. The campaign seeks to educate people around the world about the causes and consequences of climate change and how they can help to lessen the effects.
  • Climate change describes a change in global climate patterns attributed largely to the increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere produced by the use of fossil fuels.
  • Increasing the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere intensifies the greenhouse effect and causes global temperatures to rise. The greenhouse effect is the process by which heat in the Earth’s atmosphere is trapped by various gases called greenhouse gases.
  • These gases include carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane, nitrous oxide e.t.c. Without the greenhouse effect the Earth would be 30 degrees cooler than it is today. Intensifying the effect by the addition of excess greenhouse gases leads to global warming.
  • Global warming is an increase in the overall temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. Global warming has severe consequences such as sea level rise, more frequent and powerful storms, drought and higher wildlife extinction rates.
  • Reducing the effects of global warming includes reducing fossil fuel use, conserving electricity, utilizing renewable energy technologies and replanting and protecting forests.



Students of class-3 did the activity to celebrate Earth Day. 


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