
Showing posts from July, 2018

Exhibition-2018 - 19

Students of Class III and V A Primus got the opportunity to exhibhit the work of great writers and poets and mythalogical tales . Some scenes from the epic mahabharta were taken in which the children role played and gave important messages .  

Class III Interhouse Activity-July

An Interhouse Competition was conducted in III A Primus on 24 July 2018 on the topic " Attributes of Model Citizen" . Students from each house participated in the activity individually by sharing the value, ethics and qualities of a model citizen such as a singer, scientist, artist, teacher, doctor and many more. The judgement was done on the basis of content & revelance, presentation and confidence . The winners are: I position                 Aristotle House - Saksham  Bhabha House - Rudra Bose House - Lakshita Einstein House - Hemag  Newton House - Udvita II position  Aristotle House - Aranya Bhabha House - Ishika  Bose House - Advika  Einstein House - Nainvi  Newton House - Subah

क्रिया कलाप

कक्षा तीसरी के बच्चों ने  पाठ - हाथी और चिड़िया से संबंधित विभिन्न जानवरों के मुखौटे बनाए और अभिनय के द्वारा कहानी को प्रस्तुत किया ।          

Creative writing program

Sailing Leaf announces the next batch of Unearth Creative Writing Program for children in the age bracket of 11-14 years from 21st and 22nd July at Delhi and Gurgaon. Here is the link to details of the program in Delhi and Gurgaon Contact Manmeet Narang at 9871090943 for further details.

Space Workshop

Space Workshop was conducted in school auditorium for classes 1 - 8 .